Proposing to your loved one can be nerve wracking yet exciting. As Amsterdam proposal photographer who witnessed and captured over 70 proposals in the heart of Amsterdam, I have some tips on how to plan your proposal.

There are many different ways on how to plan your proposal. But here are top 2 ways that I highly recommend to all my couples who are planning a proposal
1. Paparazzi style – Best way if you want to keep the proposal (and of course the photoshoot) a surprise and spontaneous. I, of course will help you with the best locations, times, the best way to get on one knee and pop the question. And you wonder what I will be doing? I’ll be pretending as a random stranger taking pictures of the city and be ready for you guys 😉

2. Proposing half way through – This is another approach my couples choose. I do personally like this approach so I understand the vibe of my couples and plan the proposal accordingly. Even with this approach, I will help you plan the exact place + time for you to pop the question while still keeping the surprise.

Few other helpful things to keep in mind before you propose in Amsterdam

The location – No idea where in Amsterdam to propose? I am here to help you figure it out. As Amsterdam photographer who worked all over Amsterdam, I do have some favorite spots, spots that has best view, spots that has the best light etc. All I want to know from you is, what exactly do you imagine when you imagine your proposal.. and voila! I will give you list of spots that you can choose from.
The time – The best time? There are two different times of the day I highly recommend. Early in the morning just after the sunrise – for the best light + less crowd in the city. Or little late in the evening closer to sunset – again for the best light. I cannot stress this enough!!
What happens right after the proposal – First, I will give you some privacy because.. come on! It’s such a huge step and I’m pretty sure your partner has many questions/happy/shock.
After that – yayyyy! We take some fun “just engaged” pictures and some gifs and pop some champagne or do a little dance if that’s your thing.

Here are my tips as Amsterdam proposal photographer to help you plan the proposal and relieve some of that stress. Are you ready to get in touch with me and plan your proposal? Click here

amsterdam proposal photographer
amsterdam proposal photographer
amsterdam proposal photographer
amsterdam proposal photographer

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